The Good to Know online magazine 7/2019
The 7th issue of ‘The Good to Know’ online magazine of the Basilica News Agency is now available for download. Containing a summary of the religious events in the entire Orthodox world, ‘The Good to Know’…
The 7th issue of ‘The Good to Know’ online magazine of the Basilica News Agency is now available for download. Containing a summary of the religious events in the entire Orthodox world, ‘The Good to Know’…
For more than a year, the photographers have been refreshing your newsfeed at the beginning of each week with a selection of pictures from all over the Orthodox world. The project began in July…
The June-July 2019 issue of ‘The Good to Know’ online magazine of the Basilica News Agency is now available for download. Containing a summary of the religious events in the entire Orthodox world, ‘The Good to Know’ online…
On Sunday, June 16, 2019 we celebrated our 11th anniversary. The youngest member of the Basilica Media Centre was born on Monday, June 16, 2008, with the clear mission to fulfill ‘the vocation of the…
The May 2019 issue of ‘The Good to Know’ online magazine of the Basilica News Agency is now available for download. Containing a summary of the religious events in the entire Orthodox world, ‘The Good to Know’…
If you haven’t managed to follow on social platforms lately because you decided to fast from social media, we warmheartedly congratulate you and provide you with a summary of the most important religious events…
The March 2019 issue of ‘The Good to Know’ online magazine of the Basilica News Agency is now available for download. This project initially started in 2017 was named ‘The Basilica monthly review,’ and was published at…
The first issue of ‘The Good to Know’ online magazine of the Basilica News Agency is now available for download. This project initially started in 2017 was named ‘The Basilica monthly review,’ and was published…
We released this year’s fourth issue of the monthly review. The April 2018 edition is now available in colour pdf format for downloading and local distribution. Review available for download Each monthly edition will feature select articles that…
We released this year’s third issue of the monthly review. The March 2018 edition is now available in colour pdf format for downloading and local distribution. Review available for download Each monthly edition will feature select articles that…