If you haven’t managed to follow Basilica.ro on social platforms lately because you decided to fast from social media, we warmheartedly congratulate you and provide you with a summary of the most important religious events in our latest issue of the Good to Know magazine: April 2019.
Inside the fourth issue of our Good to Know online magazine you will learn about the Romanian Patriarch’s warning about the increasing number of abortions in Romania.
Other articles feature the March for Life 2019, The Ecumenical Patriarch’s Lenten Message, and many religious news frome home and abroad.
What you are about to look through is the fourth issue of our refurbished online publication that will be known as ‘The Good to Know’ magazine.
This periodical will be published online only, being available in PDF format for downloading or reading.
Containing a summary of the religious events in the entire Orthodox world, ‘The Good to Know’ online magazine can be freely printed out and distributed for more thorough information and spiritual benefit.
Don’t forget to communicate the Good to Know to others!
Please feel free to share your opinion and suggestions about this new project in the comments section below or by writing an email at [email protected].
Photography courtesy of Basilica.ro