Visit to the Archdiocese of Bucharest of the Greek Delegation who brought the relics of Saint Hierarch Visarion

Yesterday, 13 May 2016, a delegation of Dusikon Monastery of Greece, headed by Rev. Fr. Visarion, custodian of the Monastery, brought the relics of Saint Hierarch Visarion, Archbishop of Larisa, to Pantocrator Monastery of Drăgăneşti Vlaşca, Diocese of Alexandria and Teleorman, on the occasion of the celebration of the patronal feast of the monastery chapel.

The delegation accompanied by His Grace Galaction, Bishop Alexandria and Teleorman visited, with the blessing of His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, Cernica Monastery and some of the churches in Bucharest protected by Saint Hierarch Visarion – according to Archimandrite Veniamin Goreanu, Patriarchal Counsellor.

Once arrived at Cernica Monastery, the members of the delegation were met by the abbot of the settlement. There, they visited the place of worship, prayed at the relics of Saint Calinic from Cernica and of Saint George from Cernica, visited the old church on the island, and Saint Calinic’s house and museum. His Grace Galaction delivered a speech for the thousands of pilgrims present on the life of Saint Visarion and on the relationship with Wallachia and the faithful from Bucharest and the adjacent counties.

On the same day the commemoration service for Rev. Hierodeacon Visarion Iugulescu was celebrated.

Then, the delegation visited Saint Visarion church located in Saint Visarion St., where parish priest Nicolae Crângaşu met them. Rev. Fr. Visarion, custodian of Dusikon Monastery offered the parish an icon of Saint Visarion of Larisa as a present, covers for the holy vessels, as well as an album of the history, service and life of Saint Visarion, the album also showing photographs of the churches from Bucharest.

The programme ended with a visit to the Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint Spyridon the New – patriarchal chapel in Bucharest, where the servant priests met them. Archimandrite Veniamin Goreanu welcomed them and presented them the history of the cathedral.

The members of the delegation and His Grace Galaction thanked His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel for the blessing and joy while visiting these places of worship, as well as for the presence at Pantocrator Monastery.

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