The Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate has celebrated its tenth anniversary on the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. On this occasion, His Grace Varlaam of Ploiești, Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch, officiated a Doxology (Te Deum) at the Patriarchal Cathedral.
Concelebrants for the Doxology included Fr Nicolae Dascălu, patriarchal adviser (Lumina Newspaper), Fr Teodor Gradinaciuc, patriarchal adviser (Radio Trinitas), Fr Nicolae Cristian Câdă (Lumina Newspaper), and Fr Bogdan Teleanu (Press Office).
In his homily, His Grace pointed to the tie existing between the name of the Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate and its patronal feast, also referring to its spiritual ministry.
There is a close bond between the name of the Basilica News Agency and its spiritual protector, the Most Holy Trinity, he said. There is a continuous cooperation between the life full of the love of the Most Holy Trinity and the life of the Church. The Church is the instrument through which the Triune God works for the salvation of nations, Bishop Varlaam noted.
He added that through the five departments of the Basilica Press Centre, the Word of God comes in our homes, at our workplaces, into our souls.
Bishop Varlaam said that prayers of thanksgiving were offered for the employees and benefactors of the Basilica Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate, but also for its readers, listeners, and viewers.
The Basilica Press Centre (2007) is comprised of five departments: Radio Trinitas, Trinitas TV, Lumina Publications, Basilica News Agency and the Press Office.