Three disadvantaged families receive new housing from Huși Diocese

International Children’s Day, June 1, was celebrated in a special way this year by the Huși Diocese of the Romanian Orthodox Church.

On this day, the first three hours of a series of six were gifted to disadvantaged families as part of the “Joy is Home” project that helps needy families with many children receive new housing, furniture, household appliances, dishes, and clothing.

The keys to the new houses were handed over after they were blessed by His Grace Bishop Ignatie of Huși.

The first to receive their new house was a family with three children whose house burned down in the summer of 2018.

“It is the house that expresses family, warmth, protection, love and, above all, the place where we learn to love God. This is how we want this house to be for the three little children and their parents: the place where they feel that they are surrounded by love, joy, security and faith,” His Grace said following the service of the blessing.

“This house is the fruit of the love of the priests in our ward. It was raised exclusively with the support of all the priests of the diocese,” he added.

The second house was gifted to Marius, a high school student who lost his mother at the age of 3 and his father in a fire that destroyed their home in 2018. He was supported by a local village family since then.

The third house was gifted to a family with six children.

Fr. Vladimir Beregoi urged all the children to remember the help they had received: “Time will pass, you will become great people and you will have possibilities, because you are wise children. Do not forget then that somewhere, in a city or in a village, there is a child, or several, waiting for you to share such joys.”

Photography courtesy: Huși Diocese

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