The Romanian Patriarchate’s Solemn Year 2021 in Texas: Spiritual evenings with the dean of the Sibiu Faculty of Theology

Father Daniel Buda, Dean of the “Andrei Șaguna” Faculty of Theology in Sibiu, Romania, participated between November 5 and 15 in a series of spiritual evenings organized by two Romanian Orthodox missions in Texas. The themes of the meetings were chosen to mark the Romanian Patriarchate’s Solemn Year of the pastoral care of Romanians outside Romania.

The missionary visit began on Saturday, November 6, at the Nativity of the Mother of God Mission in Austin, with the service of the Holy Unction. The religious service was followed by the catechesis “Romanian saints who became spiritually accomplished away from their birthplace.”

The next day, on Sunday, after the Divine Liturgy, Father Dean held the catechesis entitled “Young people of the Church in the Internet era,” which was followed by questions and answers.

At the Saint John Cassian Mission in San Antonio, the visit began on Saturday, November 13, with the service of the Holy Unction. It continued with the catechesis “The diaspora of Romanians from Transylvania in the time of Metropolitan Andrei Șaguna.”

Duminică, 14 noiembrie, după Sfânta Liturghie, credincioșii prezenți au fost încurajați să-și valorifice timpul vieții de aici prin cateheza „Spovedanie și Euharistie – viețuire autentică în Ortodoxie”, urmată de întrebări și răspunsuri.

On Sunday, November 14, after the Divine Liturgy, the faithful were encouraged to capitalize on the time of this life through the catechesis “Confession and the Eucharist – authentic life in Orthodoxy.” It was also followed by a question-and-answer session.

The day continued with a communal agape meal as a means to raise funds for the Special-needs children’s home in Turnu Roșu – Sibiu.

Father Daniel Buda, Dean of the “Andrei Șaguna” Faculty of Theology in Sibiu, Romania, is a professor of Universal Church History.

Misiunile din Texas organizează seri duhovnicești de cateheză și misiune pastorală la fiecare început de post. Acestea își propun să le ofere credincioșilor îndrumare și încurajare spirituală.

It has become a tradition for the Texas Missions to organize spiritual evenings at the beginning of fasting periods for the guidance, strengthening and edification of the faithful.

Photo credit: Metropolis of the Americas

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