‘The common interest of the Church’ as seen by Archbishops of Cyprus, Athens

Archbishop Chrysostomos of Cyprus visited Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and all Greece on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, at the Archbishop’s Palace, Romfea News reports. 

Archbishop Ieronymos welcomed the primate of the Church of Cyprus, and wished his journey to be good, creative and beneficial.

Archbishop Chrysostom briefed Archbishop Ieronymos on his meeting with Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, and Patriarch Neofit of Bulgaria on the Ukrainian issue.

He stated, “If we make an error for a primate, if we do not do justice to him, since all of us are mortal, our death is also the death of our error. If we make an error for the Church, since it is immortal, unfortunately, the error will never be corrected.”

Archbishop Chrysostomos added that we focused in particular on the Church. “We will all give of our best for progress that will benefit everyone, but especially the Church. I hope that we will serve the Church with all our strength in order to prevent a schism.”

He also stressed that the Church has to face many problems and we must deal them with courage, faith and optimism. “Under these circumstances, I have undertaken this work. It is not easy, but when one has strong faith, puts on his cross and asks for the Grace of God, he has to do his work, because the founder of the Church, Christ the Savior of all cares more from anyone.”

The Archbishop of Athens responded that Archbishop Chrysostomos’ concerns are relevant, and that “It is up to all of us, from our position, to look at the issue with responsibility, not to fight for personal interests, but for the common interest of the Church and especially its unity.”

Photography courtesy of: Romfea News

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