His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, arrived Monday evening at the Archdiocesan Cathedral in Curtea de Argeș, being welcomed by His Eminence Calinic, Archbishop of Argeș and Muscel, together with hundreds of believers, among whom young people and children.
Patriarch Daniel is visiting Curtea de Argeș in order to attend the events marking the 500th anniversary of the consecration of the Curtea de Argeș Monastery, founded in 1517 by the Holy Ruler Prince Neagoe Basarab of Wallachia, and which now serves as Archdiocesan Cathedral.
His Beatitude was traditionally welcomed with bread and salt in front of the Cathedral, being presented with flowers by children. His Eminence Archbishop Calinic warmly welcomed the patriarch.
After being chanted the polychronion, Patriarch Daniel thanked for the warm welcome and recalled that the welcome greeting ceremony with bread and salt comes from the time of the Dacians and Romans, noting that it reflects the hospitality and the kind-heartedness of the citizens of Argeș.
The patriarch also appreciated the beauty of the folk costumes worn by the group of young people and children that welcomed His Beatitude.
We thank you for the warm welcome and we entreat the All-compassionate God to bless this Archdiocese and especially this chuch that is a symbol of the Romanian people’s spirituality, craftsmanship and wisdom, he said ending his speech.
Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2017, on the feast day of Ruler Prince Saint Neagoe Basarab, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel will celebrate the Divine Liturgy at the Curtea de Argeș Cathedral and will attend the church’s 500th anniversary celebrations. Local and state officials are also expected to attend the event.
Photograph: Robert Nicolae / Basilica.ro