Father Liviu Burlacu, the coordinator of a centre for addiction therapy, explained in an interview how the lives of people affected by addiction could change for the better.
The residential centre “The Life-Giving Spring”, dedicated to treating alcohol and other drug addictions, has been operating in Bogdan Voda, Bacau, Romania, since 2019.
The centre was opened within the framework of the Socio-Medical Association “Siloam” at Tisa Silvestri Monastery of the Annunciation.
It represented a culmination, as an upper stage of treatment/therapy for alcohol and other drug addictions, of the activities already carried out within the “Life-Giving Spring” Day Centre of the Archdiocese of Roman and Bacau since 2011.
“Around five daily therapy sessions with the centre’s specialists – psychologists, addictologists, psychiatrists – are scheduled for each beneficiary. After 7-8 weeks of stay, people leave as free people, able to face their demons and lead a different kind of life.”
“About 80 per cent is our success rate. People don’t relapse into addiction. And we’ve had thousands, tens of thousands of people pass through our hands since 2011. And with us, the rooms are always booked. We’re always full.”
“The requests are many, even from outside the [Bacau] county, because such centres are very few in Romania. About half of those admitted are alcoholics, about a quarter are drug addicts, and a quarter are addicted to drugs, food, or gambling,” Father Liviu Burlacu explained in the interview for Libertatea.
Photography courtesy of Facebook / Centrul Izvorul Tămăduirii Bacău
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