NEPSIS Youth Congress in Spain concludes with Divine Liturgy and lessons on true love from Bishop Timotei

The NEPSIS Youth Congress of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Spain and Portugal concluded last Saturday with a Divine Liturgy celebrated by Bishop Timotei, the Romanian hierarch overseeing the Iberian peninsula.

In his homily, Bishop Timotei addressed the youth about the meaning of true love and cautioned them about the potential pitfalls common to their age.

“Be Mindful of How You Live”

“Not everything we do in our youth is good and beneficial. That’s why it’s important to be mindful of how we live and to avoid bodily sins,” said Bishop Timotei.

He reminded the participants of their spiritual nature: “We, as humans, are spiritual beings. Above all, we have the soul, without which the body disintegrates into the elements from which it was created. We are called to sanctify both our souls and our bodies, which are temples of the Holy Spirit (I Corinthians 6:19).”

The bishop also highlighted misunderstandings surrounding love in today’s world: “Unfortunately, in our times, love is often misunderstood. True love is sacrificial. In many relationships between young people, personal interest is sought after. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, sacrificed Himself for each of us, showing us what true love is. The Apostle Paul tells us that love ‘does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil. […] Love never fails’ (I Corinthians 13:5-8).”

NEPSIS Congress Overview

The NEPSIS Youth Congress took place from September 5-7 in Guadarrama, near Madrid. The event featured social interaction activities, workshops on Romanian culture and tradition, and a conference titled “My Body, Temple of the Holy Spirit,” which focused on adopting a healthy lifestyle.

The NEPSIS Congress in Spain is held annually, bringing together hundreds of children and young adults to celebrate the joy of youth through authentic Romanian values.

The Department for Romanians Abroad funded this year’s event, which aims to strengthen young Romanians’ ties to their heritage and spiritual roots.

Photo: Diocese of Spain and Portugal

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