The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church held its working session Thursday, 9 February 2017, in the Synodal Hall of the Patriarchal Residence. His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel chaired the meeting. The Holy Synod took the following decisions:
The Holy Synod decided to give blessing for and to support the national March for Life 2017 entitled Support the mother and child. They depend on you. The event will take place Saturday afternoon, 25 March 2017, on the Feast of the Annunciation. Through this event, the values of the Christian and traditional family will be witnessed to in all dioceses of the Romanian Patriarchate.
The Holy Synod has approved increased measures to ensure a peaceful conduct of religious services. The Penal Code Provisions no. 381 refer to this subject and regulate that hindering or disturbing the free exercise of organised, legally functioning, religious worship is punishable by imprisonment or by a fine. In addition, there are legal provisions that regulate the disturbance of public order.
The Holy Synod decided that ecclesiastical entities have to meet strictly the legislation on fire safety and security in places of worship, and the legal norms on the protection of historical monuments.
In the current context of the migration phenomenon, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church urges the parents working abroad to take their children with them or to return home to their children, since parental physical and emotional absence causes suffering.
The Holy Synod calls to prayer, dialogue and social co-responsibility in order to overcome conflicts in today’s society.
Press Office of the Romanian Patriarchate