Thursday, 28 July 2016, tens of persons, most of them patients who had a transplant surgery done, attended a solemn commemoration service celebrated by the Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureş and Sălaj, especially in remembrance of the donors – Renaşterea Radio station informs.
The religious service was celebrated in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Cluj-Napoca, at the initiative of the Transplanted People’s Association of Romania, as thanksgiving for the donors whose sacrifice saved many lives.
On this occasion, the Metropolitan of Cluj underlined the fact that gratitude is a rare virtue, so that he appreciated the presence of more than 40 former patients at this event.
Prof. Dr Mihai Lucan, director of the Institute of Renal Transplant in Cluj, has also been presented at the event. On this occasion, he mentioned that about 200 transplants from dead donors were done the previous year, the largest number of such transplants both in Romania and in Eastern Europe. According to him, 110 surgeries of this sort have been done this year.