On Thursday, February 17, Archbishop of Australia Makarios performed a Doxology at the Church of St. Nicholas in Sydney, on the occasion of the beginning of the new academic year of the Theological School of the Apostle Andrew, Orthodox Times reports.
At the end of the Doxology, the Archbishop Makarios addressed the students with cordial paternal speeches.
He then urged young people who had decided to devote themselves to the study of theology at a higher educational level, to remain steadfastly committed to Christ during their studies, something that would give them unlimited spiritual joy.
“You will understand that Theology is exactly this longing to seek Christ. To meet our Lord and Savior. And in this way, to trust our whole life in Him”, he stressed, among other things.
“If the soul is not receptive then man instead of being altered by good alteration, he hardens more, like the clay that becomes hard when it receives the heat of the sun. If the soul is receptive then man acquires more sensitivity and his heart softens like a candle that receives the heat of the sun “.
“The transformation of man and the subsequent entry of Christ into him, is the true goal of Theology”, the Archbishop concluded, adding that “this is the existential dimension of Theology that we try to highlight, and to inspire our students, here at the Theological School of Apostostle Andrew “.
In closing, he pleased the students of the School to dedicate themselves to their studies, setting as their priority in the coming years not the acquisition of dry knowledge, but the experience of the spiritual life.
“Love prayer more than the internet,” he urged, adding: “Stay longer in the library than in cafes. Aim for spiritual discussions with your classmates, not secular ones. Enjoy our precious paternal teachings more than any other reading. You are willing to participate in the worship events of our Church. Do all that is needed to acquire an ecclesiastical ethos and wisdom”.
Photography courtesy of Orthodox Times
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