The gift of earthly life, a gift for eternity: Patriarch Daniel puts the March for Life into transcendent perspective

Patriarch Daniel spoke on Monday, in his sermon on the Feast of the Annunciation, about the March for Life that is taking place this month in many cities and towns of Romania and Moldova.

“This feast of the Mother of God is also an occasion for our people to thank God for the gift of childbirth, because there are many who wish to have children and cannot have them, so they should adopt or foster children from poor families,” said His Beatitude.

“That is why the Mother of God is particularly honoured in March, when the March for Life has been organised for several years now, in favour of childbirth and in rejection of abortion, which is infanticide.”

“This activity that encourages pregnant women and helps women, mothers and parents with many children, shows the value that Christians award to the gift of life, because a child born into the world has the chance to be more than just a citizen of the earthly homeland.”

“If, during earthly life, the child matures and becomes a good Christian who, through faith and good deeds, is saved and sanctifies his life, he can become a saint and live forever in the kingdom of eternal love of the Most Holy Trinity,” explained Patriarch Daniel.

“The gift of having children is not only utilitarian – to have them take care of us and to feel good in communion, not in solitude – but it is also a gift for eternity, because those who have lived a Christian life, in holiness, on earth will have the chance to become saints of God in the Kingdom of Heaven. So the gift of life on earth is a gift for eternity.”

The Month for Life in 1,500 cities and towns 

“The Resurrection is God’s gift to all people, which means that eternity is made, as our Saviour Jesus Christ said, for people to enjoy the love of the Most Holy Trinity forever,” His Beatitude added.

“Heaven was made for people, so that people might live forever in the happiness, peace and joy of the Most Holy Trinity. So this gift of life is a gift not only for history, but also for eternity.”

“On March 30, this year, the March for Life will take place in our country, and from March 1 to 31, 2024, more than 1,500 cities and towns in Romania and the Republic of Moldova have hosted the Month for Life events, with the theme ‘Building Together for LifeBuilding Together for Life‘. Activities promoting appreciation for the gift of life and the need to support pregnant women will culminate with the March for Life,” His Beatitude announced.

“Let us pray to the Mother of God and all the saints to grant us the joy that she gives to all those who obey God and do His will and to those who care for children as gifts of God, who raise them in faith and prepare them to become not only good citizens of the earthly homeland, but also future citizens of the heavenly homeland – as we have the example of St. Gregory Palamas’ family, of whom two parents, two daughters and three sons – seven persons – are listed in the calendar of the Orthodox Church.”

“This family shows us what it means to appreciate the gift of life in the light of faith and good deeds, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the salvation of people,” concluded the Patriarch of Romania.

Some Romanian Orthodox dioceses have already organised around a dozen local Marches for Life. In most cities and towns from Romania and neighbouring Romanian-speaking Moldova, the March for Life will be held on Saturday, March 30.

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Foto credit: Arhiva / Raluca Ene

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