“Especially on this day of the Annunciation, we appreciate and ask for God’s blessing for all families and especially for families that give birth to children,” said the Patriarch of Romania, who lauded the pro-life manifestations in his sermon delivered on Thursday, March 25, 2021, at the chapel of the Patriarchal Residence.
For this reason, His Beatitude noted that for many years, especially young people, have organized “a month of meditation, prayer and counselling to protect life” in March. The March for Life is the centre of these events. The march took place exclusively online, on Saturday, March 27, with the theme “United for life”.
“This encourages the birth of children, helping families and young girls who are pregnant, helping all those who love life knowing that the person born on earth becomes not only a citizen of this earthly homeland but if a child is educated in faith and living a life according to the will of God can also become a citizen of heaven, of the Kingdom of Heaven,” said the Patriarch.
He stressed that any child can become a saint and that life is a gift for eternity.
“When God created the first family, He said to Adam and Eve, blessing them, multiply and fill the earth and subdue it,’ He actually decided a blessing for eternity,” Patriarch Daniel explained, “because man has an immortal soul and, at the Universal Resurrection, only people will be resurrected and thus humanity is eternal.”
“Humanity will live in eternity. Those who lived on earth, even if they died physically, will be resurrected at the Universal Resurrection.”
“So the price of a child in this world is unparalleled. Every child is unique and has as a vocation the eternal joy in the love of the Most Holy Trinity.”
“Let us pray to the Mother of God and to all the saints to bless all parents, all children and all those who help families with all that they can spiritually and materially to grow in faith in children, to educate them and to go to the path of holiness “, the Patriarch of Romania urged on the Feast of the Annunciation.
The beginning of salvation and joy
His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel said that the Annunciation is also the feast of the Son of God’s incarnation because when the Virgin accepted what the angel proclaimed, the Baby was conceived in her womb. This shows how much God respects man’s freedom.
The feast signifies the beginning of salvation and joy for humankind, the Patriarch added. He said that the Akathist to the Theotokos imitates the angel’s greeting, which is why it often includes the salutation “Rejoice!”
“From the angels, we learned to tell her ‘Rejoice!’”
The Patriarch said that the Mother of God is “the purest, most beautiful and humblest human being.”

“The Virgin Mary is humble and obedient. Humility and obedience. And therefore, she becomes the Living Icon of the Church who obeys God and humbly fulfils His will. Thus, the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, is the New Eve who corrected and healed the first Eve’s mistake. It is the icon of the Church.”
His Beatitude added that “the Mother of God is the protectress of all Christians, but above all, she is a permanent protectress and intercessor for humble and obedient Christians, who pray and fulfil God’s will in their lives.”
“The Mother of God is the protectress of all mothers, all parents, children, the protectress of all families, she is the protectress of virgins, of nuns in monasteries, of the poor, of the lonely, the protectress and help of the sick, the lonely, the suffering, and humble love to those that no one loves anymore,” the Patriarch of Romania highlighted.
Photography courtesy of Basilica.ro Files
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