Ukrainian Orthodox Vicariate in Romania: We are together in prayer with all the citizens of Ukraine

“We call on reason and wisdom. We are constantly praying for an end to the conflict,” the representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Vicariate in Romania wrote on Thursday regarding the situation in Ukraine.

“The citizens of Ukraine, regardless of their ethnic origin, have the right to a free life. The misunderstandings between the states must be resolved exclusively through diplomatic channels, without loss of human lives, without generating real humanitarian tragedies,” reads a message signed by Vicar Nicolae Lauruc, Dean Petru Rahovan and Dean Petru Rosoca, published by the vicariate on their Facebook page.

“We are together in prayer with all the citizens of Ukraine, hoping that the Merciful God will give us the wisdom necessary not to shed innocent blood,” the Ukrainian Orthodox in Romania also said.

The Patriarch of Romania was the first head of an Autocephalous Orthodox Church to send a message and a prayer for peace in the context of the Ukrainian crisis:

“We pray to the Merciful God, the Lord of peace, justice and love, to protect the Ukrainian people and give peace-making wisdom to all responsible political leaders,” Patriarch Daniel noted on Thursday morning, expressing his deepest concern at the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Vicariate is an administrative-territorial unit canonically dependent on the Romanian Patriarchate, dedicated to Ukrainian Orthodox believers living in Romania. They attend services held in their mother tongue by Ukrainian priests or Ukrainian speakers.

Photography courtesy of Fr. Petru Rahovan

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