The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church established in 2006 the Day of the Bible, to be marked yearly on November 13. The goal was to remind the faithful of their duty to read the Holy Scriptures. The Church celebrates on the same day St. John Chrysostom, who is considered the greatest interpreter of the Holy Scriptures.
St. John Chrysostom wrote comments on Old Testament books such as Genesis, Isaiah, Daniel, about the Maccabees, kings David and Saul, about Daniel and the three young men of Babylon, but also about the New Testament.
The saint said that one could find nothing written without purpose in the Bible, nothing that was there to offer great spiritual gain.
The first full version of the Bible in the Romanian language was the Bucharest Bible, published in 1688, which played a crucial role in unifying the language spoken in all the provinces historically inhabited by Romanians.
For the Day of the Bible, the publishing houses of the Romanian Patriarchate offer 50% discount on the price of different editions of the Bible in Romanian. They can be purchased online until November 14.
Photo: (archive)