Romanian Heroes Commemorated at Most, Czech Republic

In the Romanian Orthodox Church, the feast of the Ascension is the day of the solemn celebration service for the heroes of the Romanian nation. On this occasion, today, 9 June 2016, a solemn service was celebrated at the Romanian Orthodox church in Most, Czech Republic, for the Romanian heroes who fought for the liberation of the Czechoslovakian territory during the World War II.

The religious service was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Andrei Danciu, parish priest of the Romanian speaking church of Saint Michael the Archangel and Righteous Prince Steven the Great of Prague. Faithful and officials from the Romanian Embassy in the Czech Republic attended the event.

The church of Most in the Czech Republic was built in memory of more than 66,000 Romanian soldiers who fought for the liberation of the Czechoslovakian territory during the World War II. The foundation stone was laid on 14 July 2007, and the place of worship was consecrated on 9 October 2011.


Biserica din localitatea cehă Most a fost ridicată în memoria celor peste 66 000 de ostași români care au luptat pentru eliberarea Cehoslovaciei, de sub ocupația nazistă, în cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial. Piatra de temelie a fost aşezată în ziua de 14 iulie 2007, iar lăcaşul de cult a fost sfințit în data de 09 octombrie 2011.

Sfințirea bisericii românești din Most – – Agenția de presă a Patriahiei Române

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