Romanian Academy urges dialogue and wisdom for good functioning of Romanian society

‘We call on all state institutions to carry our a lucid, profound, and sincere dialogue aiming at the good functioning of Romanian society,’ the Romanian Academy said in a message on the occasion of Romania’s National Day, December 1.

The Romanian Academy noted that dialogue is ‘necessary and compulsory for all these organisms delegated by the Romanian nation to lead its destiny to the future.’

The Romanian Academy also urges wisdom on the occasion of the 1918 Great Union Centennial, ‘by addressing Romanians with a message of trust, power, and courage to regain their national dignity.’

‘The Greater Union’s celebration is a good opportunity to remember the grandeur of that generation of statesmen and intellectuals who led the nation towards the unification of all Romanians and manifested an admirable cohesion for the public welfare,’ the Romanian Academy’s message reads.

The academic forum emphasises that the past century full of teachings “makes us reflect upon the present and the future”.

“The Romanian Academy which managed to bind together, from the institutional point of view, the cultural elite from all of the Romanian historical provinces ever since 1866, over one half of a century ahead of the Greater Union and which as a consequence, acquired the vocation of founder and keeper of this people’s unity, urges in these solemn moments all the responsible factors in Romania to assume the mission they were entrusted with by the Romanians and put the good administration of the national edifice, fathered with so much sacrifice, first,” the message adds as reported by Agerpres.

According to the source, “Romania perfected in 1918, confirmed internationally in 1919 – 1920 and reconfirmed – with the regrettable territorial amendments and in very difficult historical conditions for the entire space of Central and Eastern Europe – at the Peace Conference in Paris in 1946 – 1947, is not a permanent given, but a geopolitical, spiritual reality that needs to be permanently administered, refreshed, protected, organised and headed with responsibility, professionalism and dignity, so as to be able to participate actively in the dialogue among the states.”

‘The Romanians’ admirable unity as recorded by the history at the end of the Great War must be more than a recollection and a celebration, it must become an example and a benchmark for us, the nowadays people who became the legatees of the 1918 personalities who have accomplished with honour their historical duty,’ the Romanian Academy said.

Photo: Radio Romania Cultural

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