Today, 2 May 2016, the chapel of the National Cathedral dedicated to the Resurrection of the Lord celebrated its main patronal feast. On this occasion, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania, was in the middle of the clergy and faithful of the chapel.
The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Archimandrite Paisie Teodorescu, patriarchal vicar, together with a group of priests and deacons. The celebrant group consisted of: Archimandrite Dionisie Constantin, Patriarchal Counsellor, Archimandrite Veniamin Goreanu, Patriarchal Counsellor, Archimandrite Ciprian Grădinaru, Rev. Fr. Ioan Dragomir, Patriarchal Counsellor, Rev. Fr. Ştefan Ababei, Patriarchal Counsellor, Rev. Fr. Costin Spiridon, Patriarchal Counsellor, Protosyncelos Ioachim Bejenariu, Director within the Archdiocese of Bucharest.
His Beatitude underlined in the sermon delivered the fact that on this great holy day, the second Easter day, our Church continues the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ as spring of peace and joy for everybody, and especially for those who believe in Christ and love Him.
The Primate of the Romanian Orthodox Church explained that this Chapel was dedicated mainly to the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord in memory of the churches of this area killed through demolition (three places of worship) or crucified through translation (two churches). This chapel was dedicated to the Resurrection of the Lord as a sign of resurrection, of victory of faith over faithlessness and of Christ’s victory over the communist atheist regime, Patriarch Daniel underlined.
His Beatitude has also explained that the Resurrection of Christ is the beginning of the resurrection of all humans and that our life on the earth is a preparation for the universal resurrection.
“The Resurrection of Christ is not a resurrection for itself, but a resurrection for the entire world, having been the beginning of the resurrection of all humans. What was shown in Christ as resurrection from the death and entrance into eternal life without death is the beginning of the universal resurrection at the end of ages. This universal resurrection is given in Christ. We are living now the life on earth between the resurrection of Christ and our Resurrection at the end of ages as preparation for the universal resurrection”.
It depends on man’s own will if eternal life will be, for every human, a happy or an unhappy eternal life, the Primate of our Church explained:
Joyful will be the eternal life of those who loved Christ and fulfilled His will in their lives, while those who rejected Him, who did not want to answer to His love through faith and good deeds will remain in isolation, as isolation and separation will make them live in unhappiness. Thus, the time remained until the end of the world is a time of work, of preparation for the universal resurrection. This preparation means the resurrection of our soul, first of all from the death caused by sin, through repentance, regret, asking for forgiveness in confession after acknowledging the sins, through the more often communion with the Body and Blood of the Lord and through any good deeds stemmed from humble love for God and merciful love for the fellow human beings.
May God help us be the confessors of the Resurrection of Christ! Let us rejoice in the Resurrection of Christ, in the peace and joy that He gives into our souls as a result of the faith and efforts of fasting, and let us spread His peace and joy through words and deeds helping our fellow beings, His Beatitude urged the faithful present.
In the end, the Patriarch of Romania offered several liturgical and spiritually useful books for the Chapel of the National Cathedral.
On this day too, the audio CD of the Anastasis psaltic group entitled Confessing the Resurrection of Christ was launched, which comprises various chants in the honour of the Resurrection of the Lord.