On the International Children’s Day, 1 June 2016, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania, sends up prayers for the children and young people everywhere, but especially for those in Romania. We quote the personal prayer of the Romanian Patriarch on this occasion:
O, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Heavenly Father, Who have blessed the children and said: Let the children come to Me and do not hinder them, You Who looked with love at the young man asking You: Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?, You Who raised from the dead the son of the widow of Nain, Jairus’ daughter and Your friend, Lazarus, bless with Your grace and love all the children and young people in the world! Protect all the children baptised in Your name, who make the sign of Your Cross. Guide the youth and illumine by Your holy light the life of young people in our Church. Increase the love of children for their parents and the love of parents for their children. Enhance the diligence of children and young people for education and their respect and gratitude for their educators, teachers and professors.
Lord Jesus Christ, the Physician of our souls and bodies, heal the multitude of ill children and young people suffering in their families, in hospitals, in children’s homes; quench their suffering and offer patience and love to those who take care of them: parents, doctors, nurses and medical assistants.
Lord Jesus Christ, Most-Merciful Shepherd, comfort by Your Holy Spirit, and for the intercessions of Your Mother and all the Saints, the multitude of orphans or children abandoned by their parents, the saddened and lonely, the poor and helpless children. Grant paternal love to every adult to manifest it towards children without parents or home.
Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, give hope and spiritual strength to confused young people and without a goal in life, discouraged and without any hope for the future. Enable parents, the servants of the Church, the civil authorities and all people of goodwill to take care closely of the present and the future of the children and youth in our country, so that they could feel they live under Your blessing, in a country blessed by You, in a people bearing Your name since its Christianisation, as a new people in the world.
Bless, O, Lord, all educators, teachers and professors who are taking care of children and young people, who protect and guide them, who help and instruct them in order to become faithful and wise, industrious and generous, good and honest, merciful and brave for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and the dignity of our people. Amen.
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church