“The body of the Church that has been built by the Lord, for which He said “the gates of hell shall not overcome it” (Matthew 16,18), continues throughout the centuries His sanctifying and redeeming mission through His Disciples and their heirs, the Bishops and Priests,” transmits Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem in his Pastoral Letter for Easter.
“In its crucified-and-resurrected course in the world, the Church, vivified by the blood of the Cross, from which it was created, conveys power, hope and joy for the creation, maintenance, refreshment and restoration of man from the ruins and the ashes of wars, repeating the comforting invitation of Christ, ‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest'”, adds the Patriarch of Jerusalem.
“The Church of Jerusalem, appointed by the Resurrected Christ Himself to serve at the places of His appearance in the flesh, being under pressure, especially recently, by radical extremist and hostile to it elements, however, not crushed by them, fights bravely in one accord and unity for the rights of the Christian presence and its flock in the Holy Land and welcomes the pious pilgrims during their pilgrimage as its own flock and sends to them and its pious flock all over the world the Paschal greeting ‘Christ is risen from the dead, by death He hath tumbled down death and to those in the grave He hath given life’,” Patriarch Theophilos concludes.
For this year’s Easter Celebrations, the pilgrims to the Holy Land may participate in public and religious events both inside and outside venues. The only restriction refers to the number of participants in the Holy Light Ceremony. Afterwards, organized groups may honour the Holy Sepulchre and freely participate in the religious services.
Photo credit: Jerusalem Patriarchate
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