Patriarch Daniel hopes to consecrate National Cathedral mosaic iconography in 2025

Patriarch Daniel expressed his hope to consecrate the mosaic iconography of the National Cathedral will be consecrated.

“We hope that in 2025 the Good Lord and His saints will help us to consecrate the new painting of the National Cathedral, on the 140th anniversary of the autocephaly of the Romanian Orthodox Church (1885) and the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Romanian Patriarchate (1925),” His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel said after the Divine Liturgy celebrated on March 13, 2022.

The Patriarch of Romania appealed for support for the mosaic iconography works at the National Cathedral.

The National Cathedral was consecrated in November 2018.
The Romanian Patriarchate announced that in 2025 several great Romanian confessors from communism will be canonized. The list includes the names of Rev. Professor Dumitru Stăniloae, Archimandrite Cleopa Ilie, Archimandrite Gherasim Iscu, Elder Paisie Olaru and priest-martyr Liviu Galaction Munteanu.

Photography courtesy of / Raluca Ene

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