His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel has sent a congratulatory message to the Basilica News Agency on Friday, June 16, 2023, on the 15-year anniversary of journalistic activity. With this message, His Beatitude urged everyone to know and perform good.
Please find below the full text of Patriarch Daniel’s message on Basilica News Agency’s 15th anniversary of online ministry.
Basilica News Agency’s 15th anniversary of online mission: An exhortation to know and perform good
Being established as a department of the Basilica Media Centre in 2007, the Basilica News Agency of the Romanian Patriarchate launched its website and published its first news article on June 16, 2008, thus initiating, under the blessing of the Most Holy Trinity, a missionary journey ever more relevant in Romania’s media context.
Basilica News Agency became a representative landmark in transmitting information related to official addresses of the Romanian Patriarchate through its diversified editorial work.
Through news, reports and interviews, this Agency presents a kaleidoscope of the Church, illustrating various aspects, from the life of parishes in Romanian villages to the activity of leaders of local Churches and the great historical events of Christianity.
With 15 years of experience in the field, Basilica News Agency has evolved and strengthened, becoming a genuine Orthodox news site with international visibility.
Its editorial team carries out an essential missionary activity promoting “The Good to Know” on social media platforms, offering a communication model for dioceses, parishes or Orthodox associations, but also an impetus for practising, not just knowing, the good done by others.
Although it is a relatively small newsroom, the Basilica News Agency of the Romanian Patriarchate offers a wide range of relevant news both in the context of the Church and at the level of society in general.
This information is particularly beneficial for Orthodox believers connected to our increasingly dynamic society. Through the Basilica.ro website, the faithful can keep up to date with societal developments and understand how Christian values and principles relate to current issues.
On this anniversary, we thank the Most Holy Trinity for blessing the mission of the Church, including in the virtual space. We congratulate the editorial team and recommend accessing the site of the Basilica News Agency to know the good through the virtual space, but also to multiply the good deeds in concrete terms.
† Daniel
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
Photography courtesy of Lumina Newspaper
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