Orthodox Calendar, June 8
Martyrs Nicandros and Marcianus
They were soldiers in the Roman Army stationed by the Danube River at Durostorum, today’s Silistra (Bulgaria), in the time of Emperor Diocletian (284-305).
In 298, Emperor Maximian Galeriu removed all Christians from military ranks, arrestinf and persecuting them to death. When he visited the cities on the Danube, Nicandros and Marcianos confessed their Christian faith together with other three Pasicratus, Valentianus, Isichios and with army Julius.
They were thrown in prison and forced to renounce their faith in Christ. They refused, so they were cruelly tortured.
They did not renounce Christ, so the emeperor had them beheadedon June 8. So they received the crown of martyrdom.
Troparion — Tone 3
In holy zeal you dispelled the error of Arius / and proclaimed the Trinity, one in essence. / Holy martyrs Marcian and Martyrius, / unshaken bulwarks of Orthodoxy, / entreat Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.
Translation of the relics of the Greatmartyr Theodore Stratelates
The Holy Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates suffered for Christ in Heraklea on February 8, 319.
At the time of his sufferings, the holy Great Martyr Theodore ordered his servant Varus to bury his body on the estate of his parents in Euchaita. The transfer of the relics of the Great Martyr Theodore took place on June 8, 319.
On this day we also recall a miracle of the icon of the Great Martyr Theodore in a church dedicated to him at a place called Karsat, near Damascus.
A group of Saracens had turned this church into their residence. There was a fresco on the wall depicting Theodore.
One of the Saracens shot an arrow into the icon of the Great Martyr. From the saint’s face, where the arrow had stuck into the wall, blood flowed before the eyes of everyone.
A short while later, the Saracens who had settled in the church killed each other. Accounts of this miracle are given by the Anastasius of Mt. Sinai (April 20) and John of Damascus (December 4).
Troparion — Tone 4
Truly enlisted with the King of Heaven, / you became an outstanding general for Him, passion-bearer Theodore; / you armed yourself wisely with the weapons of faith / and conquered hordes of demons, revealing yourself as a victorious athlete. / Therefore, in faith we always call you blessed.
Tr by oca.org