Official Meeting on the 10th anniversary of Patriarch Daniel’s enthronement. ‘We thank God and the people God works through’

Ședință aniversară la zece ani de slujire ca Patriarh al României (9)

‘We thank God and the people God works through,’ Patriarch Daniel said during the festive meeting held Thursday at the Romanian Saints Hall of the patriarchal residence in Bucharest.

On 30 September 2017, His Beatitude Daniel celebrates his 10th anniversary of the enthronement as Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church.

The first event to mark this anniversary was the festive meeting chaired by the Patriarch on Sept. 28. The meeting was attended by Their Graces Ieronim of Sinaia, Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch, Timotei of Prahova, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Bucharest, members of the Standing Church National Council and the Standing Archdiocesan Council of Bucharest.

As a sign of appreciation for the entire activity carried out in 2017, His Beatitude presented his counselors with diplomas and medals, and three anniversary volumes published at the Patriarchate’s Publishing Houses.

The members of the two Standing Councils presented the patriarch with a mosaic icon of Jesus Christ Pantocrator.

His Grace Bishop Timotei of Prahova congratulated the patriarch and pointed to the vocation of Patriarch Daniel as father and founder of churches. ‘The vocation of a founder is an example for all church ministers, regardless of their level in the hierarchy,’ Bp. Timotei said.

His Grace congratulated the patriarch and thanked him for his struggle and love of serving the Church, and entreated our Saviour Jesus Christ to grant him good health, strength, longevity, and everything profitable.

The patriarch expressed his gratitude for the gift, congratulations and the words of appreciation.

Referring to the icon of Jesus Christ Pantocrator, the patriarch said that ‘our Saviour Jesus Christ is the one who blesses us, the Head of the Church and of the entire world. It is a great joy to see the icon of the Pantocrator so close because it is usually painted inside the dome of a church. It is, therefore, a closer blessing’, Patriarch Daniel noted.

His Beatitude recalled that on Oct. 28 the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church would convene in a solemn session to commemorate Patriarch Justinian and the defenders of Orthodoxy during communism. The session will be attended by hierarchs of other local Orthodox Churches.

His Beatitude called all those gathered a great spiritual family, and expressed his gratitude for the sacrificial ten years that have passed showing that only through the cross, and through much responsibility, one can achieve something for the benefit of the Church.

We thank God and the people through whom God works, those who serve Christ’s Church through diligence and generosity: hierarchs, clerics, monastics and lay people, the patriarch added.

A leader’s responsibility is threefold, the patriarch said. It needs a living faith, verticality, and vast culture. If you follow these three qualities, you become more demanding with yourself and those around you, the patriarch noted.

Quoting Saint John Chrysostom, the patriarch stressed that God will judge us according to the purpose of our deeds. ‘Let us ask ourselves not only what the Church offers us, but also what and how do we offer to Christ’s Church through the gifts received from Him’.

Patriarch Daniel went on to refer to the Romanian People’s Salvation Cathedral, which should be built first spiritually, and second externally, as a place of deliverance and liberation of the nation from dangers.

His Beatitude urged to intensify our spiritual edification by praying, living spiritually and strengthening our ecclesial consciousness.

The patriarch concluded his speech saying we should consider all our activities as liturgies, even though only one of them is called Divine Liturgy. He added that even administration should be considered a liturgy because everywhere there is the same Spirit of Christ.

Photos: Mihnea Păduraru / ZL

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