Newly canonized Romanian Saints start to be depicted in churches

The sixteen Saints who were recently canonised by the Romanian Orthodox Church are now being depicted in new churches. Many of these representations are already visible in Sângeorz-Băi, a town located in the mountain region of Bistrița-Năsăud County in Transylvania.

The team of iconographer Stanislav Grecu painted icons in the church dedicated to Saint George the Great Martyr.

“This work of great spiritual and artistic value enriches the church’s heritage and pays tribute to the new saints of the Romanian people,” parish priest Paul Gavriloaie told

The sixteen saints are depicted in the choir loft of the church.

The church’s construction in Sângeorz-Băi began in October 2019, and the parish is now painting the interior. Under the leadership of the parish priest, Paul Gavriloaie, the community is invited to support this significant project. The parish priest has made banking details available here for those who wish to contribute.

The church, built in the courtyard of the old church founded by Father Professor Ioan Bunea, is a significant part of the Sângeorz-Băi 2 Parish. It serves the local community and the youth attending camps at the Ioan Bunea Youth Missionary Center, also located in the parish courtyard.

The formal proclamation of the canonizations approved by the Holy Synod this year will take place in 2025, the Centennial Year of the Romanian Patriarchate.

Photos: Fr. Paul Gavriloaie

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