June 16 marks the 12th anniversary of Basilica.ro, the only news agency belonging to an Orthodox Autocephalous Church.
This unique project began as a news aggregator selecting articles from the Dioceses of the Romanian Patriarchate. Information was taken en masse directly from the source, with little intervention on form or content.
After joining social media, Basilica.ro aligned itself with the online trends emphasizing the quality and appearance of the news materials presented to the public.
The range of topics has expanded from the reporting of religious events and Church messages to various topics such as social, cultural, art, tourism, ecology and even sports. The Basilica News Agency has recently developed in the area of interviews, opinions and photo reports.
Graphic materials with catechetical content represent a prevalent part of the activity on social networks. Infographics facilitate the fulfilment of the catechetical role, which often intertwines with the informational purpose, as stated by the assumed motto of the institution: The good to know.
An essential role of the Basilica News Agency is to complete the media landscape with the often ignored activity of the Church, philanthropic initiatives, good deeds that take place at the level of dioceses, both in the country and abroad.
Basilica.ro also addresses the international public, with a selection of the most relevant news translated into English, which are frequently taken and quoted by prestigious news websites.
The primary activity is materialized on the Basilica.ro website, on social networks, with the help of the newsletter service, the online magazine “The Good to Know” or the religious news app for Android users.
The Basilica News Agency team currently consists of seven people: four editors, two photojournalists and a director.
Basilica.ro was established as a department on October 27, 2007, but the official launch of the site took place on June 16, 2008. The Basilica News Agency is a member of the Basilica Media Centre, together with Radio Trinitas, Trinitas TV, Lumina publications and the Press Office of the Romanian Patriarchate.
The Patriarchal Administration, the Patriarchate’s Church Book Printing House, Basilica Travel Agency and various donators financially support the Basilica News Agency.
All services offered by the Basilica News Agency of the Romanian Patriarchate may be used by persons or institutions free of charge, for professional purposes, indicating the source and respecting the terms and conditions of use.
Read more about the Basilica News Agency on Wikipedia!
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