Feast of St John Chrysostom: Bishop Timotei of Prahova celebrates Divine Liturgy at the National Cathedral Chapel (VIDEO)

Hramul Sfantul Ioan Gura de Aur la Paraclisul Catedralei Mantuirii Neamului

On the feast day of St John Chrysostom, November 13, His Grace Bishop Timotei of Prahova celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the outdoor altar of the National Cathedral Chapel.

Numerous believers attended the patronal feast of the Chapel and venerated the holy relics of St John Chrysostom and St Andrew the First Called, whose relics were brought from the patriarchal residence.

Bp. Timotei delivered a homily referring to the gospel passage from St John (10:9-16) which is usually proclaimed on the feast day of holy hierarchs.

Sfânta Liturghie în cinstea Sfântului Ierarh Ioan Gură de Aur la Paraclisul Catedralei Mântuirii Neamului. Slujba este oficiată de Preasfințitul Părinte #TimoteiPrahoveanul împreună cu un sobor de preoți și diaconi. Credincioșii se pot închina la moaștele Sfântului Ierarh Ioan Gură de Aur și ale Sfântului Apostol Andrei.

Posted by TRINITAS TV on 12 Noiembrie 2017

This gospel reading was ordained by the Holy Fathers on the commemoration of Great Hierarchs who tried to identify themselves with our Saviour, to become like Him, seeking for the lost sheep and bringing it to the sheep pen and rejoice in its coming back, Bp. Timotei noted.

Saint John Chrysostom was one of the Great Hierarchs who always struggled to fulfil the words of the Gospel, so serve the Chief Shepherd and the Chief Priest who called him to such a ministry, he added.

Bishop Timotei pointed to the spiritual qualities and the holy life of St John, recalling the fact that he was born in Antioch, where the disciples were called Christians first (Acts 11:26).

For his eloquence, St John Chrysostom was compared to St Paul even during his life. A pious woman who always listened to his homilies said that he had golden mouth and words, wherefrom came his name of Chrysostom.

His Grace noted that St John proclaimed forgiveness as the only proper way of living in a troubled world.

In the conclusion of his homily, Bp. Timotei stressed the importance of celebrating and attending the Divine Liturgy.

Photo courtesy of Robert Nicolae / Basilica.ro

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