Feast of Saint Archdeacon Steven at the Patriarchate

On the third Christmas day hundreds of faithful were at the Joy Hill to worship Saint Archdeacon Steven, celebrated within the Orthodox Church today, 27 December 2012. The Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the Patriarchal Cathedral by His Grace Varsanufie Prahoveanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Bucharest, assisted by a group of priests and deacons.

After reading today’s Evangelical pericope, His Grace delivered a sermon in which he eulogized the life of Saint Archdeacon Steven.

His Grace Varsanufie Prahoveanul has also emphasised the fact that Saint Archdeacon Steven shows us the way to the communion with God.

The answers of the Divine Liturgy were given by Symbol children’s chorus of the Romanian Patriarchate which has also performed a concert of carols.

As every year on 27 December, soon after the great feast of the Nativity of the Lord, the Christians celebrate Saint Archdeacon Steven whose name means crowned by God.

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