On its 13th anniversary, Basilica.ro was heard live on the radio on Wednesday. The director of the Basilica News Agency, Aurelian-Nicolae Iftimiu, was the guest of Father Teodor Gradinaciuc at his show ‘City Life’ on Radio Trinitas.
“The good to know”, the agency’s motto, was the central topic of discussion.
This slogan started from the idea of promoting the Church’s orientation towards philanthropy, towards the social domain, explained the Director of Basilica.ro. Furthermore, the usual expression “(it’s) good to know” draws attention to the fact that we publish not only fleeting news but information that you will want to return to later.
“The Good to Know is not just a news story you read today, and you never return to it again. On the contrary, we want it to be news to which our readers and every person of goodwill in society can return to imitate the good deeds.”
“It is a mobilizing good. It is not something inert just to be put in an encyclopedia, in a collection of information.”
Another topic brought up was the activity of Basilica.ro during the pandemic. There was a doubling of audience ratings.
“During that period, the emphasis was on selective promotion; sometimes we made small cluster articles with information from several dioceses to cover as succinctly and coherently as possible the social activities, the involvement of the Church for those in suffering. The main focus was to support people.”
“There was a growing need for an edifying word, a comfort, a consolation. Which is what we tried to do. We have made efforts in this sense through different words of the hierarchs, of the saints, promoting them as much as possible on the site and the social networks.”
“I strongly believe that those who received the help of the Church, through volunteers, through priests, also felt the courage of the members of the Church because they faced the pandemic, the infection. They also put their personal health at stake and did so out of love for their neighbour and love of God, out of a firm conviction that only by doing good do they fulfil their human purpose,” said Aurelian-Nicolae Iftimiu.
Photography courtesy of Basilica.ro / Raluca Ene
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