Archbishop of Albania about making hope, courage and positive attitude contagious in this pandemic

Archbishop Anastasios recommends us to spread the hope in Christ and show a positive attitude, based on prayer and love during the coronavirus pandemic, which affects both physical and mental health.

His Beatitude reassures the faithful and reminds them that „the crucified and resurrected Christ offered to His disciples peace and freedom from fear, promising them that He will remain with them through all tribulations until the end of time”.

“We must increase this confidence in His presence and in the fact that He will not abandon us in our trial. Let us celebrate Easter free of every syndrome of fear and anxiety, let us resist”.

Even if this year we will not celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord as usual, Archbishop Anastasios recommends: “Let us transmit from heart to heart the light of hope and fearlessness in our Risen Lord.”

The archbishop says that hope, courage and the positive attitude must become “contagious”.

“It is not only the coronavirus that is transmittable, at the same [time] a freedom from fear and anxiety based on faith and love must be transmitted continuously with a joyful disposition.”

The Archbishop of Albania urges us to respect the rules imposed by the authorities and advises those staying at home to not „permit irritations and conflicts to fester”, but to cultivate creativity, a peaceful disposition, kindness, understanding, affection, and love”.

“Let us intensify our prayer for the period of this trial to not be protracted, for the recovery of those who are seriously afflicted, and for the spread of the pandemic to be limited”, the Archbisop says.

He urges us to seek divine help for those affected by the virus, but especially for healthcare professionals.

„Even more, let us pray that God enlightens the researchers to swiftly determine the proper preventive and therapeutic processes”.

Referring to this global tribulation, Archbishop Anastasios hopes that “Something good will ultimately come out of this crisis.”

„We hope that human societies will reexamine their values and priorities.”

The leader of the Church of Albania also spoke about those diagnosed with the new virus, pointing out that “It would be a great mistake to discriminate or place a stigma on those who are infected by this disease” and that we must find concrete ways to help them.

He gave these words of advice in an interview granted to the World Council of Churches.

Photo courtesy of Basilica News Agency

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