Metropolitan of Banat celebrated his name day eating with the homeless

Metropolitan Ioan of Banat celebrated his name day on Friday by having lunch with the beneficiaries of the Timișoara Municipality’s Centre for Emergency and Crisis Situations. The hierarch is an important supporter of the city’s social work, periodically offering large amounts of food for its social assistance institutions.

His Eminence had lunch with the homeless who currently live in 11 utility-connected containers offered by the city’s Centre for Emergency and Crisis Situations in Pădurea Verde, Timișoara.

They ate a hot meal together with the metropolitan and sang him songs for his birthday, including religious songs.

Photo: Timișoara Social Assistance Direction

The moment was captured in a painting by Sebastian Alexa, a trainer of the Timișoara Social Assistance Direction.

The Metropolitan of Banat also offered hot food to the migrants hosted by the same institution at the local Railway High School.

The celebrated hierarch’s generosity manifested towards other socially vulnerable people, as well: he offered an important amount of food for the Canteen of the Timișoara Social Assistance Direction, announced the local officials.

His Eminence Ioan is famous for the tons of foods he constantly sends to the social centres and public hospitals in the county of Timiș.

Photo credit: Timișoara Social Assistance Direction

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