Holy Synod elects Archim. Nichifor Horia as assistant bishop to Iași Archdiocese

The Holy Synod on Thursday elected, by secret ballot, the Very Rev. Archimandrite Nichifor Horia as new Assistant Bishop of the Archdiocese of Iași.

Father Nichifor Horia is 53 years old and was born in Brăila. He is the abbot of the Three Holy Hierarchs Monastery in Iași and the Administrative Exarch of the monasteries in the Archdiocese of Iași.

He graduated from the Faculty of Theology in Iași, in 1997, with a bachelor’s thesis dedicated to the relationship between spiritual fatherhood and sonship in the collection of Sayings of the Desert Fathers.

In 1993 he entered the monastic community of Sihla Skete, Neamţ County. In 1996, Patriarch Daniel, then Metropolitan of Moldavia, ordained him to the priesthood, and in 2009 Metropolitan Teofan elevated him to the rank of archimandrite.

He has published two books at Doxologia Publishing House: Duhovnicia Patericului (Spirituality of the Paterikon) and The Practice of Exorcism in the Orthodox Church. Liturgical, canonical and pastoral aspects (2020).

He is the author of numerous articles on spiritual or theological topics in magazines, in Lumina Newspaper and on Doxologia.ro portal.

Photography courtesy of Doxologia.ro

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