The Romanian Adamclisi wine has obtained Protected Designation of Origin

The European Comission has approved the request to include the Romanian Adamclisi wine in the list of Protected Designations of Origin (PDO).

Adamclisi is the name of white, rosé and red wine assortments produced in an old wine-growing area from Dobrudgea region in Eastern Romania, by the Black Sea shore. The soil and climate confer to these wines fruity aroma and medium body.

There are 1,170 Protected Designations of Origin for wines registered in the European Union, of which 53 are Romanian. The list is available in the eAmbrosia database.

Products with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) have the strongest connection with the region they come from. This certification guarantees the quality and originality of the product and it protects local producers.

The product has to be made in the respective region with local raw materials and it needs to display characteristics that are owed to its geographical environment, to the natural and human factors in the area.

Another PDO-certified food product from Romania is Ibănești Cheese. The Sibiu salami has only Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). It means that its characteristics are not owed to the environment, but to certain specific qualities that have earned a reputation to the area.

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