President Iohannis declares Iași a Historical Capital of Romania

On Wednesday evening, President Klaus Iohannis handed over to Mayor Mihai Chirica a copy of the decree promulgating the law that declares Iași as Historical Capital of Romania.

A special ceremony was held at the Palace of Culture in Iași on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the Union of the Romanian Principalities in 1859.

The event was attended by His Eminence Metropolitan Teofan of Moldavia and Bukovina.

The head of state also attended the decoration ceremony of “Vasile Alecsandri” National Theatre, of the “Moldova” National Museum Complex and of the National Romanian Opera in Iasi.

The President of Romania congratulated the city of Iasi and Mayor Mihai Chirica on this occasion noting that ‘being a capital, it does not mean looking back melancholically, but recharging the city’s energies to develop itself as national and European metropolis.’

‘Here, in Iasi, in crucial moments of our modern history, decisions have been taken that have mostly influenced the existence and development of the whole of Romania. In the history of your city the manifestations of some of the most important aspirations of the Romanians are found,’ the President added.

‘That is why, I wish all of you, beloved citizens of the sweet town of Iasi, to enjoy the prestige of the historical capital, for many years,’ President Klaus Iohannis said Jan. 23.

The same day, the Head of State prayed for the rest of the soul of Alexandru Ioan Cuza and laid flowers to the Romanian Prince’s tomb at the Three Holy Hierarchs Monastery in Iasi.

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