Patriarch Daniel about Prophet Elijah: ‘He is a compassionate helper of the poor and a punisher of the unjust’ | PHOTO GALLERY

Patriarhul Daniel oficiind Sfanta Liturghie in Paraclisul Sf Grigorie Luminatorul de Sfantul Ilie

The Holy Prophet Elijah the Tishbite, as a model of stable faith and courage in confessing God, is very popular among the Romanian people. This can be observed in the existence of numerous places of worship across the country dedicated to St Elijah. The second patronal feast of St Gregory the Enlightener Chapel of the Patriarchal Residence in Bucharest is the feast day of Saint Elijah.

On this occasion, Patriarch Daniel blessed the restored chapel of his residence and celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the honour of the Glorious Prophet Elijah in Tishba of Gilead.

During his homily delivered July 20, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church stressed the main virtues of Prophet Elijah and noted that many of his deeds were a prefiguration of Christ’s coming.

The patriarch observed four main qualities in St Elijah. He was a man of prayer and abstinence, a defender of the true faith against fraudulent idols, a compassionate helper of the poor and a punisher of the unjust.

His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel pointed to St Elijah’s chosen life spent in prayer and abstinence, in fast and much struggle. St Elijah is an Old Testament prefiguration of monasticism, the patriarch added.

His Beatitude urged the faithful to entreat Saint Elijah whenever we face drought and famine. However, Prophet Elijah ought to be considered a protector of believers, of widows, of the poor, and of those wronged. Furthermore, he punishes harshly those who commit injustice.

Patriarch Daniel ended his homily by congratulating all those who bear the name of St Elijah, wishing them many and blessed years, in peace, joy, faith and merciful deeds.

To be noted that on the feast day of the Prophet, His Beatitude Daniel celebrated one of the patron saints received at Holy Baptism as spiritual protectors.

Photo by Robert Nicolae /

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