12 March 1678 – Metropolitan of Transylvania IOREST ILIE (baptized Ele) passed away

12 March 1678 – Metropolitan of Transylvania IOREST ILIE (baptized Ele) passed away as we learn from a note on a manuscript of a Book of Hours: “It should be known that vladika (hierarch) Iorist died in the year 7816 (1678), month of March 12”. Tonsured into monasticism at Putna, with the name of Iorest, and ordained priest (hieromonk); he must have been administrator for a while. In October 1640 he was elected Metropolitan of Transylvania, seated in Alba Iulia (Balgrad), recommended by Vasile Lupu; ordained hierarch at Târgoviște. As metropolitan, he had the Teaching Gospel, by Deacon Coresi (1580 – 1581), reprinted in 1641, in Alba Iulia. He was faced with the proselyte activity of the Calvin rulers of Transylvania, especially of prince Gheorghe Rakoczi, who removed him from the metropolitan throne and arrested him. Released after nine month of detention, he went back to Putna Monastery, where he lived till the end of his life. In 1645, he made a journey to Moscow, where he was received by tsar Alexei Mihailovici Romanov, who granted him some relief aids. In 1555, the Holy Synod of our Church raised him among the saints, to be celebrated on 24 April.

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