Patriarch, President lay Romanian Principalities’ Union 159th Anniversary Wreath at statue of Ruler Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza


His Beatitude Romanian Patriarch Daniel Wednesday marked the 159th anniversary of the Union of the Romanian Principalities by officiating a Te Deum service at the Patriarchal Cathedral during which the founders of the Union were commemorated. The service was attended by His Excellency the President of Romania Mr. Klaus Werner Iohannis.

#EdițieSpecială dedicată Unirii Principatelor RomâneSesiunea de comunicări științifice „Unirea Principatelor Române, temelie a Marii Uniri de la 1918” în Aula Magna „Teoctist Patriarhul” din Palatul Patriarhiei. La eveniment participă Preafericitul Părinte Daniel, Patriarhul Bisericii Ortodoxe Române, Preşedintele României, Domnul Klaus Iohannis, Președintele Academiei Române, Domnul Academician Cristian Hera, şi Domnul Academician Dan Berindei #AcademiaRomânăDepunerea coroanelor de flori la statuia Domnitorului Alexandru Ioan Cuza pe Dealul PatriarhieiSlujba de Te Deum oficiată de Preafericitul Părinte Daniel, Patriarhul RomânieiSfânta Liturghie de la Catedrala Patriarhală din București #LIVE #24ianuarie #UnireaPrincipatelorRomâne #Unire #Unitate

Posted by TRINITAS TV on 23 Ianuarie 2018

At the end of the thanksgiving service, the Patriarch and the President of Romania participated in a wreath laying ceremony next to the cathedral’s bell tower in honour of Ruler Prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza, a prominent figure of Romanian unified society.

Flower wreaths were laid at Alexandru Ioan Cuza’s statue by representatives of several other Romanian institutions in the attendance of state officials, academicians, hierarchs, clergy and faithful.

The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church was represented by Hon Metropolitan Nifon of Targoviste, the Holy Synod’s Chief Secretary Bishop Varlaam of Ploiesti, Patriarchal Auxiliary Bishop Ieronim of Sinaia, and His Grace Timotei of Prahova, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Bucharest.

Following the wreath laying ceremony, a scientific session entitled ‘The Union of the Romanian Principalities: the foundation of the 1918 Great Union’ was held at the Palace of the Patriarchate. Speakers included His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, President Klaus Iohannis, Romanian Academy President Cristian Hera, as well as other academicians.

Photos courtesy of Robert Nicolae /, Mihnea Păduraru / ZL

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