World Traumatologist Day prayerfully marked at Azuga Orthopaedic Hospital chapel

World Traumatologist Day was celebrated Monday at the Chapel of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Hospital in Azuga, Prahova County, through prayer and a pastoral-missionary round table.

Father Alin Nica, the coordinator of charity priests in the Archdiocese of Bucharest, officiated the Divine Liturgy with Father Nicolae Iulian Țigănelea, the hospital’s chaplain, and charity priests from the archdiocese.

Victor-Dinu Pandele, the legal counsellor and manager of the healthcare unit, and Ciprian-George Barbu, the mayor of Azuga, attended the service.

The service was followed by a pastoral-missionary round table, during which the host priest, Father Nicolae Iulian Țigănelea, presented the lecture “St. Luke of Crimea, a model of serving one’s neighbour.”

This was followed by open discussions attended by priests and the former and current managers of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Hospital in Azuga.

Participants agreed on future collaborations in cultural activities, through thematic conferences, and in social-philanthropic initiatives.

“It is a wonderful collaboration between the chaplain priest, the medical staff, and the authorities there,” Father Alin Nica told

World Orthopedic Day is celebrated annually on May 20.

Charity priests from the Archdiocese of Bucharest marked World Orthopedic Day at the Chapel of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Hospital in Azuga on Monday, May 20, 2024. Photo source: Alin Nica

Construction of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Hospital in Azuga began in 1911 on the Royal Estate of Clăbucetul Baiului and was inaugurated in 1912. Events in the summer of 1913, when Romania was involved in the Second Balkan War, delayed the completion of the works.

King Carol I completed the Orthopedics and Traumatology Hospital in Azuga between 1914 and 1925. It initially functioned as a hospital for treating and recovering war casualties, later as a Tubercular Osteoarticular Sanatorium. Since 1972, it has operated as a City Hospital with 300 beds.

Photo source: Fr. Alin Nica

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