The Antiochian Archdiocese Department of Missions and Evangelism hosts and participates in events related to missions, evangelism, and parish renewal. On October 19, 2019 from noon until 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, they are sponsoring an online conference on digital evangelism.
A FREE pdf on Parish Database Software will be given out by Deacon Christian Manasseh, director of the Department of Internet Ministry, plus other giveaways!!
12:00-Online Etiquette: Dr. Gary Jenkins
12:30-Websites: Dn. Adam Lowell Roberts
01:00-Blogging: Fr. James Guirguis
01:30-Podcasting: Fr. Patrick Cardine
02:00-Email: Fr. Matthew Howell
02:30-Instagram & Starter Kit: Fr. Andrew Jarmus
03:00-Facebook: Kenny Scott
03:30-Online Discernment: Fr. Anthony Messeh
Foto credit: Archive