Understanding healing through the Mystery of Holy Unction: Insights from Father Nicolae Dima

In a YouTube video, Father Nicolae Dima explained the type of healing one can seek through the Mystery of Holy Unction, emphasizing its spiritual depth rather than a promise of miraculous physical cures.

A Ritual of Renewal

Father Dima recounted his personal experience of performing the Holy Unction in a hospital room where his daughter Ecaterina was admitted. He described the sacrament as a robust process of renewal:

“The seven readings from the Apostles, the seven Gospel readings, the seven prayers invoking the Holy Spirit, and the seven blessings of the oil create a ritual of refreshment—akin to pressing the ‘refresh’ button on a computer to update it.”

Despite varied readings, the repetition of gestures, prayers, and blessings builds a rhythm that fosters a growing concentration of divine grace. He compared this persistent spiritual effort to the Gospel examples of people whose persistence earned them divine favour.

Not About Miraculous Cures

Father Dima clarified that Holy Unction is not primarily about achieving dramatic physical healing:

“I do not expect the Holy Unction to make me walk again if, for example, I am paralyzed. What I seek is not a magical or spectacular cure, but the healing of the mind that gets trapped in hopelessness.”

He emphasized that the healing received through Holy Unction is real and profound, even if invisible. Drawing on the example of Saint Paul, who was denied physical healing but strengthened spiritually, Father Dima highlighted how God may sometimes allow illness to serve a greater purpose for spiritual growth.

Illness as Spiritual Formation

“There are situations where enduring illness is more spiritually beneficial than a dramatic healing,” said Father Dima. Illness can shape a person’s soul and lead them to spiritual insights they might not otherwise achieve. He noted that understanding and accepting this requires excellent grace, as the human mind often struggles to perceive the spiritual meaning behind life’s trials.

Purpose of Holy Unction

Concluding his reflections, Father Dima explained the core purpose of Holy Unction:
“We go to Holy Unction to receive this type of healing—the healing of our mind and soul, enabling us to see beyond the physical and to understand the spiritual reality behind events.”

The sacrament serves as a reminder that true healing often lies in spiritual renewal and transformation.

Throughout 2024 the Romanian Orthodox Church highlighted the role of the unmercenary saints and focused on the pastoral care of the sick.

Photo: Basilica.ro

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