“Let us not forget that the Great Union was not merely a political triumph but, above all, a victory of the Romanian soul, unwavering faith, and self-sacrifice, under the protection and care of the Romanian Orthodox Church,” noted Metropolitan Petru of Bessarabia in a message delivered on Sunday, Romania’s National Day.
“Let us keep this spirit of unity alive, draw from the wellsprings of the past, and direct our thoughts toward eternity, hoping that God will protect and strengthen our people.”
“This day offers us an opportunity to offer our prayers for the fulfilment of the Great Union of December 1, 1918, a moment of grace and sacrifice sealed by the bravery of our nation’s heroes, the wisdom of political leaders, and the faith of those who understood that only under the Protection of the Mother of God and the protection of Saint Andrew the Apostle can we overcome the adversities of history,” His Eminence added.
“Today, we honour the founders of the Union, the members of the Council of the Country in Bessarabia, who, in March 1918, showed the entire world the courage and determination of a people that never forgot its roots.”
“At the same time, we humbly bow before the Holy Martyrs, Confessors, and Venerable Romanian Saints, who illuminated our nation’s path through the centuries through their prayers, blood, and tears. They are the true guiding stars, reminding us that without faith, love, and unity, any human endeavour crumbles,” added the Metropolitan of Bessarabia.
“Today, more than ever, let us remember that in the face of the divisions and challenges of this world, our calling is to remain rooted in Christ. Let us pray for peace, for the strengthening of brotherly bonds between those on both banks of the Prut River, and let us each contribute, according to our calling, to building a society filled with love and light.”
“May God bless Romania and Bessarabia, illuminate the path of the reunited Romanian people, and grant us all His heavenly peace!” concluded His Eminence Metropolitan Petru, Metropolitan of Bessarabia and Exarch of the Territories.
Photo: Metropolis of Bessarabia