The Solemn Meeting of the Holy Synod

Today, 28 October 2013, on the celebration day of Saint Hierarch Iachint, Metropolitan of Wallachia, the solemn meeting of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church was held in “Patriarch Teoctist” Aula Magna of the Patriarchate Palace under the chairmanship of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church. The theme of the meeting was 2013 – Solemn year of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen and Commemorative Year of “Dumitru Staniloae” in the Romanian Patriarchate.

2012 – Solemn year of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen and Commemorative year of “Dumitru Stanilaoe” in the Romanian Patriarchate.

The meeting was opened by the Patriarch of Romania who spoke about the conversion and discipleship of Saint Emperor Constantine: “There is a special relationship between the dedication day of our Cathedral of which main protectors are Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen and the Greek Orthodox Apostolic Metropolitanate of Corinth set up by Saint Paul the Apostle. The troparion of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen makes a parallel between the conversion of Saint Constantine and that of Saint Paul the Apostle saying that Saint Constantine was called not by the people, but directly by God, just like Paul, and this is why he was called “Your Apostle Lord, among the Emperors”. Therefore, he was called Apostle among Emperors and venerated just like the Apostles. We have two great missionaries who marked the history of Europe for ever, namely the mission of Saint Paul the Apostle who went to Filipi, Macedonia, and developed a special missionary activity in Corinth, at Ephesus, and certainly, in all the Churches to which he sends Pastoral Epistles strengthened in faith and going deeply into the Christian life. Saint Paul the Apostle, the greatest Christian missionary of all times was a missionary at the level of Gospel spreading. Just like him, in the 4th century Saint Constantine the Great was an Apostle, so a missionary too, at the level of the social structures, imprinting the Spirit of the Gospel of Christ in the organisation of the church life. The fact that Sunday has become a resting day is due to him, because he wanted the light of the Gospel reflected everywhere in laws, in institutions and in an authority granted of the bishops and priests never seen before”.

The meeting continued with a speech of His Eminence Dionisie, Metropolitan of Corinth on the occasion of the event. His Eminence the Metropolitan has spoken, among other things, about the Mission of the Romanian Orthodox Church in this time of crisis: “In this time of terrible world crisis, when misdeed is promoted in force, with ability and supported everywhere at the expense of our pure Orthodox faith, Your Beatitude, Eminences and Graces witness Jesus Christ, Crucified and Risen from the dead. You witness Him because the Romanian Orthodox Church not only was reborn from ashes, but especially today she is in her prime and bears fruit for the glory of God, praised in the Most Holy Trinity. Thus, the fact is confirmed that the human existence, man, conceived as person, or in his family life as a member of an ethos or citizen of a state or as social being, can be transfigured only through the word of the Holy Gospel and of the Holy Spirit”.

Then, His Grace Varlaam Ploiesteanul Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch read the synthesis on 2013 – Solemn year of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen and Commemorative Year of “Dumitru Staniloae” in the Romanian Patriarchate, comprising estimations of the most important manifestations with religious spiritual and media character organised this year in the eparchies from the country and abroad of the Romanian Patriarchate.

New books published

At the same time, His Grace Varlaam Ploiesteanul presented the new books published by Basilica publishing house of the Romanian Patriarchate. Thus, the following books were presented: album entitled Foundations of Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen in the East and West, coordinated by Rev Florin Serbanescu; the book Constantine. A Christian Emperor, by Bertrand Lancon and Tiphaine Mareau; the book Cross and Mission. Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen, promoters of the religious freedom and supporters of the Church, volume 2, coordinated by Prof dr Emilian Popescu and Rev Prof Dr Viorel Ionita; the book Serving God in the Patriarchal Cathedral, by Archimandrite Timotei Aioanei; the book Jesus Christ or Restoration of Man, by Rev Dumitru Staniloae; book Complete Works, vol 4 and book Immortal Image of God, by Rev Dumitru Staniloae, vol Complete Works, vol 5.

Then, Rt Rev Archimandrite Timotei Aioanei, ecclesiarch of the Patriarchal Cathedral and Exarch of the Archdiocese of Bucharest presented his book Father Dumitru Staniloae – Confessions and Evocations.

Hierarchs of the Holy Synod, the Greek delegation, members of the standing meeting of the Church National Council and of the Standing Meeting of the Eparchial Council of the Archdiocese of Bucharest, professors of the Faculty of Theology and Theological Seminary, archpriests and priests of Bucharest, theological students, men and women students of the Seminary attended the event.

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