The Patriarch of Romania Celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Archiepiscopal Cathedral of Buzău

Sunday, 10 March 2013, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Archiepiscopal Cathedral of Buzău. Besides His Beatitude the following hierarchs concelebrated: His Eminence Joseph, Metropolitan of Prikonisou and exarch of All Propontida, His Eminence Ilarion, Metropolitan of Volokolamsk, His Eminence Hrisostom, Metropolitan of Patra, His Eminence Isaia, Metropolitan of Tamasou and Orinis, His Eminence Teofan, Archbishop of Iași and Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina, His Eminence Andrei, Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, Metropolitan of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălaj, His Eminence Irineu, Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia, His Eminence Metropolitan Nifon, Archbishop of Târgoviște, His Eminence Teodosie, Archbishop of Tomis, His Eminence Irineu, Archbishop of Alba Iulia, His Eminence Ciprian, Archbishop elect of Buzău and Vrancea, His Eminence Calinic, Archbishop of Argeș and Muscel, His Eminence Casian, Archbishop of Lower Danube, His Eminence Timotei, Archbishop of Arad, His Grace Corneliu, Bishop of Huși, His grace Lucian, Bishop of Caransebeș, His grace Sofronie, Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Oradea, His Grace Nicodim, Bishop of Severin and Strehaia, His grace Vosarion, Bishop of Tulcea, His Grace Gurie, Bishop of Deva and Hunedoara, His Grace Siluan, Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Hungary, His Grace Macarie, Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Northern Europe, His Grace Mihail, Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Australia and New Zealand, His Grace Varlaam Ploieșteanul, Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch, His Grace Andrei Făgărășanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Sibiu, His Grace Paisie Lugojeanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Timișoara, His Grace Emilian Lovișteanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Râmnic, His Grace Ioachim Băcăuanul, Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Roman and Bacău, His Grace Ioan Casian of Vicina, Assistant Bishop to the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the Americas, His Grace Iustin Sigheteanul, Assistant Hierarch to the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Maramureș and Sătmar.

After the Divine Liturgy the enthronement of the new Archbishop of Buzău and Vrancea in the person of His Grace Ciprian Spiridon took place, elected in this dignity during the working session of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church of 28 February 2013.

His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel delivered a speech, in which he referred to the evangelical pricope of the frightening judgement, saying: The Gospel of the third Sunday of the triode period is named the Sunday of the Frightening Judgement. The third Sunday completes the other two previous Sundays, namely the first Sunday of the triode period in which we learned how important the humble prayer is for all our life, but especially during the Easter time. On the second Sunday of the triode period we learned how important, useful, saving and deifying the sincere repentance is. Today we learn from the Gospel we have just listened to, how important merciful love and deeds are”.

“The focus of today’s Gospel is the merciful love. While commenting upon this text of the Frightening Judgement Saint John Chrysostom says, speaking in the name of Christ: I do not judge the sin, but those who have not repented for their sins, I judge lack of good human feelings, of sensitiveness towards the sufferance of the people around. This is the thing I judge because it is the root all evil things”, His Beatitude also said.

In conclusion we can say that today’s Gospel makes us be more humble because we can never say we have finished all the good we could do to our fellow beings with our words and deeds, also showed the Patriarch of Romania pointing out the importance of mercy: “We see most of all that mercy is a great source of joy and blessing. The Gospel divides people into two categories: into merciful and not merciful people. The merciful ones are named the blessed ones of My Father and they will inherit the Kingdom prepared for the people at the foundation of the world, while the not merciful ones are named with a harsh word, namely cursed. Leave, you cursed ones, to the hell prepared for devils and for his servants”.

Hundreds of priests and thousands of faithful attended the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral and outside it.

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