The Eparchial Assembly of the Archdiocese of Buzau and Vrancea in Consultative Meeting at the Romanian Patriarchate

His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, as Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrudgea and as Locum tenens Archbishop of Buzau and Vrancea, chaired, at the Patriarchal Residence, the consultative meeting of the Metropolitan Synod of Muntenia and Dobrudgea with the Eparchial Assembly of the Archdiocese of Buzau and Vrancea for assigning the candidates for the vacancy of Archbishop of Buzau and Vrancea as a result of passing away of the worthy remembering Archbishop Epifanie Norocel, on 7 January 2013.

To start with the consultative meeting, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel said: “The new Arch-shepherd of the Archdiocese of Buzau and Vrancea must keep the legacy received and complete it if possible. He must keep, not diminish the material, cultural and spiritual patrimony of the Eparchy. Secondly, it should be shown that taking into account the economic financial situation of today’s Romania, the very maintaining of all the institutions created and organised is not an easy task, because there are institutions and programmes started, especially social programmes that must be continued. Having a work with the value of a symbol the Church must bring hope through her work. She is not allowed to work so as failure should be seen. Thus, once begun, taking care of the sick, aiding the poor and many other activities which brought hope and joy, must be continued. They cannot be interrupted arbitrarily only because we have no more means of support, but new means must be found for the activities started. The new Arch-shepherd must develop a more intense cultural activity, a theological and spiritual activity designed to emphasise the main aspects of the Orthodox faith, the perennial values of Orthodoxy, as well as of the Romanian spirituality”, His Beatitude said.

The consultative meeting decided to maintain the nominalisation of the two candidates, His Grace Ambrozie, Bishop of Giurgiu and His Grace Ciprian Campineanul, Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch, made by the Metropolitan Synod on 18 February in the afternoon. The two bishops are the candidates of the Metropolitan Synod of Muntenia and Dobrudgea and of the Eparchial Assembly of Buzau and Vrancea for the throne of Archbishop. On 28 February 2013, the working session of the Holy Synod will elect the new Archbishop of Buzau and Vrancea.

Before the consultative meeting, a Te Deum service was celebrated in the Patriarchal Cathedral by His Grace Visarion, Bishop of Tulcea, assisted by a group of priests and deacons.

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