Saturday, 18 June 2016, the Summer Day of the Dead was celebrated. This day which the Church scheduled as special day for remembering the dead, precedes the Pentecost feast, when the Orthodox Church celebrates the Descent of the Holy Spirit.
On the Summer Day of the Dead, the faithful of the community of Saint Nectarie the Healer of Coslada, Spain, came in large number to the church to remember all the late ones of their families, whom the Church always remembers in her prayers: forerunners, grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, fallen asleep with the hope of the resurrection and of the eternal life.
After the Divine Liturgy, parish priest George Cimpoca celebrated the solemn remembrance service and addressed a sermon to those present.
This day is a very good opportunity for us to remember that we are not eternal on this earth. The saddest thing is to forget that you will die one day. And whoever forgets he/she will die, will also forget how to live. Or they even forget to live! How well it is not to forget that you are a simple mortal, blown away by the wind, slow or fast on the earth; a voice that passes through the lives of humans. I do not know how to die because I have not died before but I know that I shall die and I shall live to learn how to die. I want to live as a mortal, as a temporary man, and I forget that I am only a drop of time in the fabric of eternity. I, you, all of us are only time, a sign however small in the symphony of eternity which God composed and the angels harmoniously sing – the parish priest said.