Because disturbance broke out in certain dioceses of the Romanian Patriarchate following the behaviour and the activity undertaken by Fr. Matei Vulcănescu, priest at Panagia Odigitria Parish in Piraeus, Greece, we quote a decision taken in 2015 by the Metropolitan Synod of the Holy Metropolis of Muntenia and Dobrudja:
No. 8825/23.07.2015 – Report of the Holy Synod Office regarding the behaviour and the activity undertaken by Fr. Matei Vulcănescu, priest at Panagia Odigitria Parish in Piraeus, Greece, in certain dioceses of the Romanian Patriarchate.
Considering the conclusion of the report of the Holy Synod Office: “receiving this cleric to take part in church events or in ministry affects the cooperation and collaboration between the hierarchs but also the image of the Romanian Orthodox Church, both at home and abroad”,
Considering the interventions of the following hierarchs: His Eminence Hon Metropolitan Nifon, Archbishop of Târgoviște, His Eminence Teodosie, Archbishop of Tomis, His Eminence Ciprian, Archbishop of Buyău and Vrancea, His Grace Ambrozie, Bishop of Giurgiu,
Following the discussions held,
The Metropolitan Synod decides that Fr. Matei Vulcănescu, priest at Panagia Odigitria Parish in Piraeus, Greece, should not be received in communion in no parish, monastery, or skete within the dioceses of the Holy Metropolis of Muntenia and Dobrudja (in order to take part in church events or in ministry).
The decision taken by the Metropolitan Synod of the Holy Metropolis of Muntenia and Dobrudja has been transmitted to every diocese within the Metropolis, as well as to all administrative departments, to the exarchate and the inspectorate of the Diocesan Centre in Bucharest. They composed a circular letter for the Archdiocese of Bucharest, which was sent into the territory and implemented.