The Basilica Media Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate marked its patronal feast of the Holy Trinity on Pentecost Monday.
The media staff attended the Divine Liturgy celebrated at the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest by the patriarchal auxiliary bishop Varlaam of Ploiești, chief secretary of the Holy Synod and coordinator of the Basilica Media Centre.
Concelebrants included clergy who work for the Romanian Patriarchate’s media centre.
The Orthodox journalists also prayed during a Doxology after the Divine Liturgy, giving thanks to God for every benefaction and blessing during the nearly 16 years of media activity.
A genuine blessing for the Church and society
Bishop Varlaam congratulated the staff and lauded the role of the Basilica Media Centre.
“We congratulate them wholeheartedly for the good work. This work and the centre’s importance has always been evident, especially during the difficult period of the pandemic.”
“In such a tensioned world, the joy, light and hope conveyed by the Basilica Media Centre through its departments are a genuine blessing not only for the Church but for the entire society,” the patriarchal auxiliary bishop said on June 5, 2023.
Patriarch Daniel praises responsible communication
His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel addressed the journalists at the Patriarchal Palace and thanked all those who support the Media Centre “for their missionary collaboration.”
His Beatitude congratulated all those “who work with passion and dedication in the Basilica Media Centre”. He thanked them for their “rich and responsible activity of communicating in society the message of faith and the social work of our Church.”
“We pray to the Most Holy Trinity to bless all the workers and supporters of the Basilica Media Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate, giving them all good health, peace, joy and much help,” His Beatitude noted.
Basilica Media Centre
The Basilica Media Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate has been dedicated to the Holy Trinity since its foundation almost 16 years ago (October 27, 2007).
Departments of the Basilica Media Centre include Radio Trinitas, Trinitas TV, Lumina publications, the Basilica News Agency and the Press and Public Relations Office.
The institution functions as a subunit of the Patriarchal Administration without legal personality.

Photography courtesy of / Mircea Florescu
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