Patriarchal Blessing at Sambata de Sus Monastery

These days, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel is on a canonical visit to the Archdiocese of Sibiu. On 4 October 2014, in the afternoon, the Patriarch of Romania was present at Brancoveanu Monastery of Sambata de Sus where he blessed the Voievodal House and consecrated the chapel in its precincts. The religious service was celebrated in the presence of His Eminence Laurentiu, Metropolitan of Transylvania and of a group of hierarchs and priests.

During the sermon delivered His Beatitude showed the importance of the consecration of a place of worship.

The chapel in a house for distinguished guests is a special blessing of God, through its very presence as well as through the fact that the consecrated space urges you to prayer and meditation. The Divine Liturgy is very often celebrated here as thanksgiving to God for all the benefits received from Him. The chapel, in any metropolitan or eparchial residence and in any guest house, is a holy presence of the prayer of the saints of God which urges the servants of God to prayer. Very often these chapels are a holy space for a private prayer, for repentance, meditation, for a more personal relationship with God”, His Beatitude said, according to Trinitas Radio station.

The voievodal house of Brancoveanu Monastery is a guest house. The chapel consecrated today is protected by the Brancovean Saints Martyrs, as well as by Saint Hierarch Andrei Saguna. The second dedication day was received on behalf of the Patriarch of Romania.

To end with, His Eminence Laurentiu, Metropolitan of Transylvania emphasised the special importance of the event.

“The consecration of this place of worship – a chapel and a settlement for special guests – prepares the arrival of the holy relics. Your Beatitude’s coming here is a special event which strengthens us. You are a founder here because Your Beatitude blessed us, and told us to call it the Voievodal House, the House of the Brancovean Saints Martyrs, and you also added one more dedication day, that of Saint Andrei Saguna who protects us here, in Sibiu. We shall also bring a particle of the saint’s relics to protect us”, His Eminence Laurentiu, Metropolitan of Transylvania said.

The construction of the voievodal house began in 2011.

About 18.30 hours, the Patriarch of Romania and the Metropolitan of Transulvania will meet the delegation headed by His Grace Varlaam Ploiesteanul, Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch, who will bring the relics of Saint Constantine Brancoveanu to Sambata de Sus. Then, a Te Deum will be celebrated.

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